Volunteer Form Step 1 of 7 14% Personal InformationName* First Last Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Member or Guest?* Member Guest Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region Primary Phone*Secondary PhoneEmail* Emergency Contact Name* First Last Emergency Contact Phone*Do you attend church regularly?* Yes No Church Name*Do you have any friends/relatives employed here?* Yes No Name(s) of friends/relatives employed here.*Please describe your relationship with Jesus Christ* Employment HistoryBriefly describe your paid work experience:*Briefly describe your volunteer experience:*General Volunteer InformationWhy do you want to volunteer at The Centre?*Do you have an special skills that would benefit our ministry?*Do you have any limitations/restrictions that we should be aware of?* Areas of InterestPlease rank the following areas from 1 to 3, 1 being the area you are most interested in working in, and 3 being the area of least interest.General Needs, Towel Service, Cleaning, & Slide Monitor*Please enter a number from 1 to 3.Corner Park*Please enter a number from 1 to 3.Kid's Care Babysitting*Please enter a number from 1 to 3. AvailabilityVolunteers are required to work one 4 hour shift each week. Please check times and days that you will be available.Time of Day* Morning Afternoon Evening Days* Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Background CheckBackground checks are required for all employees and volunteers.Are there any circumstances that you need to make us aware of?* Yes No If yes, please describe: ReferencesReference #1 Name* First Last Reference #1 Phone*Reference #1 Relationship*Reference #2 Name* First Last Reference #2 Phone*Reference #2 Relationship* Electronic SignatureThank you for completing this application and for your interest in volunteering at The Centre. Name* First Last CAPTCHA